Dustin Young
Lead Pastor
Dustin Young is not only an incredible man of God, but an amazing husband, father, and business man. He and his wife, Candice Young, have been married since January 2007. They have three beautiful boys Christian, Aiden, and Preston Young. He was raised in Newcastle, Oklahoma. Dustin graduated from Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2005. He is a Spirit filled, full gospel preacher. He has traveled to over 20 nations preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dustin’s passion is to see people’s lives be radically transformed by the Spirit of God, walk in health and healing, deliverance, and freedom. He truly embodies love God and love people.

Candice Young
Executive Pastor
Being a devoted follower of Jesus, wife, and mother are Candice's top priorities. Candice Young has been married to Pastor Dustin Young since January of 2007. She is mom to 3 handsome boys, Christian, Aiden, and Preston Young.
Candice has faithfully served the Lord in full time ministry for 20+ years. She has ministered in a number of different capacities from street evangelism, to world missions, leading worship, children's ministry, youth ministry, and women's ministry.
She is always pointing people to Jesus, and longs to see people set free.She is a strong leader that loves Jesus and people fiercely.
Candice has faithfully served the Lord in full time ministry for 20+ years. She has ministered in a number of different capacities from street evangelism, to world missions, leading worship, children's ministry, youth ministry, and women's ministry.
She is always pointing people to Jesus, and longs to see people set free.She is a strong leader that loves Jesus and people fiercely.

Delano Debro
Associate Pastor
Delano was raised in a good God fearing home. His mother knew early on that he had a call to ministry on his life, but kept it to herself. In his later teen years, he began to drift from God and pursue his own will in true prodigal like fashion. At the age of 19 Delano realized that the way he was living was only going to bring trouble and destruction if he continued… ie: “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). In his desperate attempt to know God; he began reading the Bible to see what God truly desired/required of him. Delano who once hated to read; now could not put the good book down. He attributes reading the Bible to be the single greatest change event in his entire life. His passion for God’s word and its wonderful truths not only transformed him, but has moved him to share those truths. Over the years God has blessed him with the opportunity to do so through Bible studies, street evangelism, and jail ministry. Delano and Senior Pastor Dustin Young started serving in ministry together over 20 years ago. Delano now serves along side his old friend in ministry as Associate Pastor here at Out of the Box Church.

Rachel Allred
Worship Leader
Rachel is a wife of 15yrs and a mother of 4 beautiful children. She was called into worship ministry at the age of 14 and has been leading in some capacity ever since. God has really grown, stretched, and anointed Rachel in the last 20 yrs. as a worship leader, mother, and wife. She has such a gift in ushering people in to the presence of God. Rachel is honored that she is a part of the OOTB family.

Steve Swinford
Christian Counselor
Steve is a Marriage Counselor and Life Coach. Steve completed his life coach training with Robbins-Madanes, a Tony Robbins company. As a marriage counselor, Steve has completed Prepare / Enrich Facilitator training, as well as Gottman L1 and Gottman L2 training. A long time Christian and student of the Bible, Steve believes that a healthy marriage places God as the foundation of that marriage. Steve currently counsels couples in private sessions and group workshops.